
E-Safety Advice for Parents/Carers and Students

Advice for Parents and Carers

The Internet is now an integral part of people's lives - with all the potential that the online world and new technology offers, young people now have access to huge and exciting opportunities. They use technology to communicate, explore and be creative. It has changed the way that they communicate and we need to ensure that this is appropriate and does not cause harm or upset to our students.

At Brompton Academy we are doing all that we can to educate and protect our students in their safe use of the Internet. Our e-safety awareness programme is delivered through Personal and Professional Development lessons as well as assemblies. We consider e-safety to be a whole-academy responsibility and so all staff are encouraged to explore safety issues; teachers specifically with their tutees and in lessons where relevant.

Brompton Academy provides a filtered Internet service which blocks known unsavoury websites as well as searches including key words. It is equally important that students are encouraged to use the Internet safely and responsibly outside the Academy. We are very grateful for parental support in these issues and we strongly encourage parents/carers to monitor internet activity at home, in order to ensure that all activity is appropriate.

Please see the links below to a variety of websites that you may find useful in supporting your child’s safer Internet use:




Advice for students

If you are worried about something you have seen online or if you are affected by an e-Safety issue, then please talk to a member of staff at the Academy or an adult you can trust.  The Pastoral Team are always ready to assist students with any concerns and you can speak to a member of the Pastoral Team in person or you can email to ask for assistance using the following email addresses:  



We expect you to be responsible and respectful in your own use of the Internet.